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Learning Style & Outcomes

CEU is an American institution and its learning style & outcomes stress discussion, exchange of ideas and collegial relations with faculty.


In addition, the university’s commitment to the principles of the Open Society—a society that respects dissenting opinions and reasoned, respectful exchange of ideas—is deeply embedded in Executive MBA teaching. CEU pushes the boundary of pedagogical innovation in management education.

Exchange of Ideas

The entire program structure is designed to facilitate learning primarily through a stimulating exchange of ideas. There are no lectures; classes are delivered either in state-of-the-art US-style U-shaped executive auditoriums, in “cabaret classrooms” with Executive MBA teams working at round tables and professors walking around the room or in smaller seminar rooms.

Class maps based on permanent seats chosen by each Executive MBA fellow help faculty engage the maximum number of participants.


A powerful way in which the EMBA for the Open World pushes you outside your comfort zone and helps you hone your leadership skills is through our approach to teamwork. Instead of mere “group projects” – typical in most MBA programs – the CEU Executive MBA divides our participants into EMBA Support Teams with the explicit aim of providing an environment for mutual support during the program. Each Support Team consists of four or five participants, carefully selected by the Executive MBA Program Office.

Our Support Teams represent a broad variety of professional backgrounds and maximize the national, industry, linguistic, gender, ethnic and racial diversity.

Working in your Support Team is your chance to strengthen your ability to work in a vibrantly diverse team and get a fresh perspective from professionals outside your regular work environment. Your Support Team is furthermore changed in the middle of the program to help you further train your ability to adjust and work with people from different backgrounds. Given the modular nature of the program, CEU Executive MBA teamwork offers particularly good training in working in teams across different locations.

360-Degree Feedback

CEU’s Executive MBA relies heavily on 360-degree feedback as an element of learning. The concept, increasingly popular with companies worldwide, is based on the idea that your work affects a definable group of stakeholders who are thus in a good position to give feedback on your performance. In the context of your Executive MBA class, these stakeholders are primarily classmates, who devote significant time and resources to their CEU education. The quality of this education is, in turn, directly tied with the general level of participants’ preparation and in-class performance.

For instance, in-class participation in Executive MBA courses is routinely evaluated with the aid of 360-degree feedback.

Giving and receiving regular feedback is also an important part of the work within Executive MBA Support Teams.

man and woman discussing in a classroom

Learning Outcomes

Our innovative curriculum and cutting-edge pedagogical approaches will equip participants with transferable, practical skills and knowledge necessary for success in positions of strategic leadership. By the program’s conclusion, each participant will be able to:

  • Master fundamental concepts from the core business domains of Accounting & Finance, Decision Sciences, Economics, Marketing, Management and Strategy.
  • Develop a broad, strategic view of business and the role of business in its broader socio-economic context as an agent of transformation within the concept of the open society.
  • Articulate and execute strategic courses of action that respond to complex business and broader societal demands.
  • Leverage state-of-the-art techniques for making decisions in complex business contexts, including a detailed understanding of sources and uses of data and management tools in decision making at all levels of activity.
  • Using critical and analytical thinking skills to take advantage of opportunities in a complex, uncertain and dynamic business environment.
  • Lead, develop and manage people, teams and units beyond functional/unit level specialization and know-how to mobilize the strategic, tactical and operational resources of their organization to create sustainable value for multiple stakeholders.
  • Develop critical self-understanding and interpersonal improvement in an international multicultural context and to achieve these goals acting with integrity.
  • Understand and apply context-relevant leadership behaviors and capabilities for strengthening organizational effectiveness.
  • Foster entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial traits and capabilities in multiple organizational contexts.

In Participants' Words

“In order to grow as a leader, I need external support. CEU Executive MBA offers exactly that.”



Class of 2022
Alfred Landecker Foundation
Berlin, Germany